Ahautestylist teaches Bishops Orenco and Bridgeport the way of the color wave
Bishops Orenco and Bridgeport learn from one of Wella’s very own @ahautestylist
Alyssa from the amazing @wellahairusa education team, came and taught our @bishops.orencostation and @bishops.bridgeport shops, ALL the things! There was no question off the table and Alyssa was able to navigate all the questions like a boss. The team had so much fun learning new things and picking her brain about all things Wella related!
Our stylists are always hungry for education and we always strive to bring them the best of the best!
Get your butts and hairs in our chairs! https://bishops.co/location-search/
Are you a stylist searching for a shop that brings the heat when it comes to ongoing (and FREE) education? COME PLAY! https://bishops.co/careers/