Marketing (re)Focus Conference: AI and BISHOPS
Marketing (re)Focus Conference: Where the boundaries of marketing are both
tested and expanded.
(re)Focus is celebrating their fourth year of groundbreaking success, plunging into the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence and talking about its profound impact on the marketing landscape. Former CMO and current Bishops CEO Leigh Feldman will be part of a panel exploring how AI is not just reshaping, but revolutionizing strategies and operations, setting new standards for excellence and innovation in marketing, and enhancing business for brick & mortar based locations.
The 2024 conference focuses on how AI can be integrated within marketing to not only identify, but also predict and shape customer behavior and decision making processes.
At the conference, marketing leaders will offer insights into successful strategies and innovative uses of AI in marketing, including:
- The Rise of Marketing’s Dynamic Duo
- The Irreplaceability of Human Minds
- Impressive capabilities of AI
- The Power of AI in Action
- Building a Successful Marketing Strategy with AI
- Understanding the Cookieless Landscape
- Challenges & Opportunities in the Cookieless Transition
- The Shift From Reviews to Shared Experiences
- The Psychology of Advocacy Through Shared Experiences
- Predictive AI and Its Role
- Crafting Effective Marketing Strategies With Predictive AI
- How AI Integration Breaks Down Silos
- How to Create a Seamless Customer Journey